Publisher and Textbook Content

Some instructors use publisher content in their courses. Examples of publisher content include presentations, simulations, book chapters and activities created by a publisher like Pearson, WileyPLUS or McGraw Hill. This content is often accessed through the Brightspace Learning Management System. Your instructor is your primary point of contact for questions related to publisher content.
If your publisher material costs are included through your tuition, you can find more information about publisher content and textbooks on the Tri-C Textbook Affordability web page.
All issues regarding integration with the learning management system should be routed to publishers first. Most publishers have direct partnerships with Brightspace and can quickly resolve issues.
Common troubleshooting steps to begin with:
- Each publisher adds content differently. Work with them on the best way to add content. The same is true when integrating publisher content with the Brightspace grade center. Some publishers push/sync grades immediately, others do it once a day, and the rest require the instructor to push/sync the grades.
- To incorporate a textbook into a Brightspace course, start by completing the following:
- Log in to the Brightspace home page.
- Select "Follett Discover" from the top navigation bar (it might be under the "More" tab).
- For information regarding the Tri-C Textbook Access Program, contact Tri-C Books directly.