Gender-Inclusive Restrooms at Tri-C

Cuyahoga Community College is committed to creating and maintaining a campus environment that respects all members of our community, including students, employees and visitors.
We recognize that health and safety — including the availability of safe, accessible and convenient restroom facilities — are critically important to learning and working at Tri-C. Many individuals benefit from accessible, gender-inclusive restrooms, including those with disabilities and others with caregivers or attendants of a different gender; people accompanying small children; and transgender, nonbinary and gender nonconforming individuals. In accordance with our mission of full inclusion, Tri-C supports the option for individuals to use the restroom that meets their individual needs or in which they feel safest.
Gender-Inclusive Restrooms by Tri-C Campuses and Sites
Click the maps below to locate accessible, gender-inclusive restrooms at Tri-C campuses and sites.
On the interactive maps, click the room number to the left to see where the restroom is on campus or zoom in on the campus building where you want to locate a restroom. Navigate to different floors by using the key on the bottom right hand side of the page.
Two accessible, gender-inclusive restrooms are also located within the Hospitality Management Center at Public Square (119G and 119H).