Career Coach

Welcome! Looking for a way to find careers or Tri-C programs that are right for you? The Tri-C Career Center invites you to use Career Coach, an online tool to help you identify and explore educational paths and careers that align with your interests and get you on the road to success.
Watch this informational video on Career Coach.
What Is Career Coach?
Career Coach is an online software that helps users find careers based on their interests, along with up-to-date local data on wages, employment outlook, job postings and associated education and training.
Who Can Use Career Coach?
Anyone! While Tri-C students, in particular, will be encouraged to take advantage of Lightcast Career Coach, the software is free for anyone to use, including community members outside of Tri-C.
How Can I Use Career Coach?
- Take a six- or 60-question interest assessment (60 will be more accurate).
- Explore career matches, the tasks related to the job title, the skills needed, wages, job growth and more.
- Find Tri-C programs and certificates that align with the career path.
- Create a base resume tailored to the industry with help from a Tri-C Career Services specialist.
- Identify employers in the Cleveland area who hire for that career.
- Apply for live job postings.
How Do I Start Using Career Coach?
You can start using Career Coach immediately!
- Visit
- Sign up using your preferred email.
- You’re in! You can now take assessments, search for jobs and career pathways, and more.