Cyberbullying Resources

Bullying is aggressive behavior that involves unwanted, negative actions. Cyberbullying is done using the Internet, cell phones, or other devices to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person.

Tri-C's Policy:
At Cuyahoga Community College, bullying is considered prohibited conduct per the Student Handbook and Student Conduct Code. Any student found to have engaged, or attempted to engage in prohibited conduct will be subject to disciplinary action by the College.
For online courses, follow Tri-C's netiquette policy: Netiquette for Online Students
Tri-C Resources:
Ways to deal with cyberbullying:
- Article: Adult Cyberbullying Is More Common Than You Think (A study on how online hate is impacting all ages and ways we can turn it around.)
- TED Talk: Adult Bullying: The epidemic no one talks about | Kevin Ward | TEDxSantaBarbara