3D Printing on Campus

Where can I use one?
The 3D Printer will be available for viewing and use in the library, MSS 300, along with a display case of already made models.
How does it work?
3D Printing is a process in which solid objects are created from various materials, in our case plastic filaments, based on 3D digital designs. Objects are made by heating the filament and extruding it layer by layer from the bottom up, this process is known as additive manufacturing.
How much will it cost?
Students and community patrons are eligible for 1 free print per semester. Any subsequent prints will be a $5 fee.
What can I Print?
School projects, replacement parts for appliances, or even a toy for your desk. Anything you can create or provide a file for that fits within our policy is acceptable. Please view our policy to see if what you are interested in will work.
How to submit a print request?