College Credit Plus

College Credit Plus (CCP) allows eligible students in grades 7 through 12 to earn high school and college credit at the same time.
Benefits include:
- The option to take courses at a Tri-C® campus or at your high school (if offered through your district).
- Ability to earn free college credit while completing high school requirements — a tremendous cost savings toward your college education.
- Courses are weighted the same as AP and IB courses.
- A large selection of available courses and areas of study, many guaranteed to transfer to any Ohio public institutions.
- Tuition and books are covered at no cost to the student.*
*Tuition for private school/home-schooled students is subject to available funding; books are not covered. More information is available on the Students and Parents channel and the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) website.
New and continuing CCP students must discuss enrollment with their school guidance counselor and parent to determine if CCP is right for them. Check out Ohio Department of Education's (ODE) CCP FAQs
Private and public school students must submit a CCP Intent to Participate form to their high school. The deadline for private and home-schooled students to apply for State funding is determined at the State level. Check ODE's website for the most up to date information and instruction.
College Credit Plus Disclaimer: The subject matter of a course enrolled in under the college credit plus program may include mature subject matter or materials, including those of a graphic, explicit, violent, or sexual nature, that will not be modified based upon College Credit Plus enrollee participation, regardless on where course instruction occurs.