Donors: The Skills to Succeed Campaign
Thank you to our Skills to Succeed leadership donors who contributed over $5,000 to student access, support, training, and employment.

We are so grateful to our entire community of donors, all of whom have helped ensure Northeast Ohioans are prepared to fill the jobs of the future and advance their careers with life-sustaining wages. Please see our full list of supporters below.
A Taste of Excellence Catering
David T. Abbott
Deborah A. Abbott Ph.D.
Hamid Abdollahian
The Abington Foundation
Michael R. Abouserhal
Achieving the Dream, Inc.
The Thomas and Joann Adler Family Donor Advised Fund
Adun Spice Company
The AKA Team
Mansur Akram
Sheryl A. Al-Azom
Albert B. & Audrey G. Ratner Foundation
Ann Albert
Lisa Alexander
Antoinette Allen
Jean M. Allen-Horth
Alpha Omega Foundation Inc
John Alten
Aaron J. Altose Ed.D.
Kristina M. Ambrosia-Conn
American Association of Community Colleges
American Association of University Professors
AMG Consulting Group
Mary and Todd Amsdell
Amsdell Companies
Peter W. Anderson
Warren E. Anderson
Arthur F. Anton
Aramark Higher Education
Karen and Jim Aronoff
Mary Asraf
Automation Tool & Die, Inc.
Jacqueline J. Bailey
Mitchell Balk
Bank of America
Jennifer M. Bargiel
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Barksdale Jr
Lee Baskey
Mary F. Bastian
Michael A. Baston Ed.D.
Logan Beam
Fran and Jules Belkin
Barbara L. Bell
Daniel E. Berry
Bialosky Cleveland
The Bill and Kathy O'Neill Foundation
Scott and Amy Bilsky
Gail A. Bisesi
Barbara A. Bissett Kitchen
Black Professionals Association Charitable Foundation
Tiara N. Blue
Andrew Bobka
Sandra and Christopher Boehm
Jacqueline Boehnlein
Yvonne T. Bolden
Holly Bonney
Lisa J. Borden-Bowers
Sarah Borovicka
Gail A. Bowen
Vikki Bowers
Danielle N. Bowman
Kathleen Brennan
Laura Brewer
Aziza Brown
Kellie M. Brown
Tisha R. Brown
Burges & Burges Strategists, Inc.
Bill L. Burges Ph.D. and Charlene Moskal-Burges
Maggie Byrne
Marc and Viki Byrnes
Micki Byrnes and Brooke Spectorsky
Lisa M. Byron
Terry A. Calaway Ed.D and Marlene Calaway
Renate E. Caliguire
Desiree Caliguire-Maier
Sandi M. Calio
Stephanie Cameron
Barbara and Craig Cantrall
Carol's Closet
Carol Cartwright Ph.D. and G. Phillip Cartwright Ph.D.
CCS Fundraising
CDW Government Inc.
Victoria Ceci
George M. Chan
Doris A. Chandler
Kimberly L. Chester
Elizabeth M. Chmielecki
Loren Chylla
Mitchell Ciccarello
Catherine Ciha
The City Club of Cleveland
Ciuni & Panichi, Inc.
Nickolas M. Clark
Courtney L. Clarke, Ed.D.
CLE Consulting
Cleveland Browns
Cleveland Building & Construction Trades Council
Cleveland Cavaliers
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland Foundation
Cleveland Guardians
Cleveland Metropolitan School District
Cleveland Public Library
Cleveland Public Theatre
Cleveland State University
Cleveland Teachers Union
Cleveland-Cliffs Inc.
Ann and Edward W. Cochran
Coleman Spohn Corporation
Karen Coleman DNP
College Now Greater Cleveland
Colortone Staging and Rentals Inc.
The Reverend Doctor Pastor Jawanza Karriem Colvin EdD
Compass Consulting Services LLC
Christopher M. Connor
Ann Conrad
Consolidated Solutions
Consumer Builders Supply Co
Contract Source
Liz Conway
Lloyd Coon
Sharon Coon
Tyrone M. Cooper
Margot James Copeland and Tony Thomas
Kristi Copez
Cord Claw, LLC
Andrew A. Cox Ph.D.
Suzanne Cox
Patricia Coyne
Holly Craider Ph.D
CT Consultants, Inc.
Michael Culp
William Cunion Ph.D.
Carol A. Cunningham M.D.
Katie Cureton
Mr. and Ms. Rand Curtiss
Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority
Naomi D'Agostino
Arelia Dalton
Robin Davenport
Dave’s Supermarkets, Inc.
The Davey Tree Expert Company
Ernestine M. Davis
Jennifer M. Davis
Zesterine Davis
Dwayne N. Dawson
Deaconess Foundation
Renee E. Deal
Michael Deemer
Kim DeFelice
Dawn M. Demarest
Steven J. Demetriou Family Foundation
Teresa E. Dews M.D.
Lorrie DiGiampietro
Dillard Family Fund
Grant Dinner
Corey Dohar
David and Karen Doll
Dollar Bank FSB
Dominion Energy
Donley's, Inc.
Timothy Dorsey Ph.D.
Sharon Doughten
Tristan Douglas
Linda Dove
Diane M. Downing
Downtown Cleveland Alliance
Molly Drenen
Phyllis J. Dukes-Hopson Ph.D.
Charles C. Dull Ph.D.
Victoria Dunphy
E. F. Boyd & Son Funeral Home and Crematory
Gloria Eadeh
Felisa R. Eafford Ph.D.
Julian M. Earls
The Cyrus Eaton Foundation
Rebecca Eby
Echo Health Inc.
Edwin D. Northrup II Fund
Sonja Elekhtaby
Oliver Elie III
The Elisabeth Severance Prentiss Foundation
Lindsay English Ph.D. and Phil English
The Epstein Family
Robert A. Erickson
Esperanza, Inc.
The Eva L. and Joseph M. Bruening Foundation
Doris A. Evans M.D.
Katie Evans
Rhonda Fabrizi
Fairmount Properties
Ken Fanger
Saidah Farrell
Jenny Febbo
The Fedeli Group
Nadine H. Feighan
Judith A. Feniger
Fenn Educational Fund of The Cleveland Foundation
FIERF Forging Foundation
Fifth Third Bank, Northeastern Ohio
Mark Filipow
Lauren R. Fine CFA
Sue C. Finley
Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation, Inc.
Adam Fishman
Michelle M. Florencki
Barbara and Wayne E. Foley
Helen Forbes Fields and Darrell Fields
Cynthia A. Foster
Char and Chuck Fowler
Ann and Lou Frangos
Carol S. Franklin Ph.D.
Sabrina Freeman
Lee Friedman
Susan M. Fuehrer
Alex Fuentes
Sharyl Fuhrer
David C. Fulton Jr.
Beth Furraitti
Tamentha Gaffney
Patrice J. Gambino
Gayle T. B. Gannon
William and Patricia Gary
The Gathering Place
Sister Dolores J. Gatior-Taylor
Kristin Gembus
The Gene Haas Foundation
The George Gund Foundation
Enid German-Beck
Earl L. Gertsma
Donna Geyer
Sarah and Kyle Merrill
Chaun Glenn
The Goldman Sachs Foundation
Carolyn E. Gordon Ph.D.
Eric S. Gordon
Karen Goulandris
GPD Group
Pamela Grant
Jeanette R. Grasselli Brown
Patricia Gray
Greater Cleveland Partnership
Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority
Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society of St. Demetrios
Malena Grigoli
Rini Grover
Mary Gygli
Janine Hallbom
Margaret J. Hammonds
Angela Hampton
David Hancy
Melody Harden
Chief Clayton A. Harris
Gregory S. Harris
Mary Ann Harris
Cassandra Harris-Williams
Douglas and Mary Hartman
Mary E. Hartman Shull
Christopher Hawkins
Aaron Hayes
Alicia Hayes
Heat & Frost Insulators & Allied Workers Local No. 3
Elizabeth Heineman
Jeana M. Heinz
Lawrence Heller
Marissa Henriksen
Robyn Herr
Higher Education Compact of Greater Cleveland
The Higley Fund of the Cleveland Foundation
Stephen Hilbert
Joan Hill
William Hinkle
Corwin Hoffman
Devin G. Hogan
Andrea M. Hogben
Christina A. Holloway
Tim Holmes
April L. Holt
Janice M. Holt
Nicholas G. Homenko
Carole F. Hoover
David Hoovler
Erin Hopkins
Karen and David Horton
Hospice of the Western Reserve, Inc.
Heidi Houzenga
Howmet Aerospace
Anne Hubben
Diana Huguley
The Huntington National Bank
Chris J. Hyland
Hylant - Cleveland
Richard J. Iafelice PE
Donna Imhoff Ph.D.
Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Foundation
Brent Jackson
Reverend Cory C. Jenkins
The John Huntington Fund for Education
John P. Murphy Foundation
Alex B. Johnson Ph.D.
Angela Johnson Ed.D.
Latrice Johnson
Michael Johnson
Shauntel Johnson
Elizabeth C. Jones Blackman
Candace M. Jones
Janice B. Jones
Joyce E. Jones
The Honorable Peter Lawson Jones
Matthew C. Jordan, Ph.D.
Valerie and Louis G. Joseph
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Kathy Juhasz
The Junto Company Ltd.
Christopher M. Kafcsak
Haidy Kamel Ph.D.
Dylan Kanuch
Judith Kaplan
Larry and Stephanie Kasuboski
Clarissa Katz
Keene Family of Companies
The Kelvin & Eleanor Smith Foundation
Karla D. Kidd-Bell
Catherine M. Kilbane and Don Bullock
Susan B. Kilbey
Charles F. Kirchner
Ariane Kirkpatrick
Todd Kitchen Ed.D.
Marie Klein
Vickie Knight
Lorine L. Knish
Nichelle Knox
Kenneth Kovatch Jr.
Janet Kramer
Kathy Krieger
Ginny Krouse
Jen V. Krueger
Rebecca Krumhansl
Jennifer and David Kudla
David J. Kuntz and Michelle Gilligan
Kevin Kuntz
Michelle A. Kuskin
Laborers International Union of NA, Local No. 310
William F. Lacey
Fanny Lang
Tyra Lardell
Michael Lasko
Scott Latiolais Ed.D.
Paul Laughlin
Sharon L. Lave
Regina Lawson
Phoebe Lee
The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland
Dana M. Leidich
Emilia R. Leone
Norma Lerner
The Lerner Foundation
Joan and Stan Levy Charitable Fund
Ruth Ann and Howard L. Lewis
Denise Lewis
Jon Lindseth and Virginia M. Lindseth
Gill LiPuma
Samuel H. LiPuma
Bill and Joyce Litzler
Logicalis, Inc.
Jordan Longstreth
Jenneffer Lopez Ph.D.
Lorain County Community College
The Louise H. and David S. Ingalls Foundation
Lowbrow Customs
Lowenthal Family Fund
Alberta Lowey
Paul J. Luch
Traci Lyons
Melanie Majikas
Makovich & Pusti Architects
Karen Mallory
Jody E. Malsch
Michael Manak
Reverend Raymond E. Manak
Jacalyn Mann
Janet A. Mann
Theresa M. Marincic
William K. Marinis
Darko Marinkovic
Marcia Martin
Anna L. Matisak
Stephanie A. Matlock
Kathryn A. McAtee
Thomas McCafferty
Kellie A. McCall
Robert A. McCann
Dorella McCary
Denise McCory Ed.D. and Reginald McCory
Kate McDade
Lolita McDavid, M.D.
Sharon McDivitt
McDonald Hopkins LLC
Sandra McKnight Ph.D.
Claire McMahon
Darrell and Ronna McNair
Molly McNamara
Sherry L. McQueeney
Nicole Meadows
Medical Mutual
James Mehling
Meisel & Pesses Family Foundation
Amani D. Mende
James Merlino M.D. and Amy Merlino
Sheconna Merritt
The MetroHealth System
Stephanie Metzger
Micro Clean Services Inc.
Ashley Mihocik
Caitie H. Milcinovic
Belinda S. Miles Ph.D.
Denise Milhollan
Karen C. Miller Ph.D. and Michael Miller
Sharon E. Milligan Ph.D.
James L. Millner
Minutemen Staffing
Chris Alan Moir
Katie Montgomery
Moody Nolan, Inc.
Beth E. Mooney
Donna Moore Ramsey Ph.D.
Gloria and Paul Moosmann
Morgan Stanley
Reverend Dr. and Mrs. Otis Moss Jr.
Dorothy and Dan Moulthrop
The MPB Charitable Foundation
The Mt. Sinai Health Foundation
Susan M. Muha
Jason Mullin
Martin Murphy
Sandra Mitchell
MVP Plastics, Inc.
Susan and Frank Nagorney
Sue Ann Naso
John and Madina Ndefru
Nomad Culinary
North Coast Concrete, Inc.
Northeast Ohio Medical University
Northern Haserot
The NRP Group
Thomas Nykamp
The O'Bryan Family
Megan M. O'Bryan and Kevin Poor
Ode Family Foundation
Rayna L. O'Hara
Ohio Association of Community Colleges
Ohio CAT
Ohio Sister Circle Inc
Wanda P. Ojo
The Honorable Solomon Oliver and Mrs. Louisa Oliver
Olivet Housing and Community Development Corporation
Olivet Institutional Baptist Church
On Technology Partners
The One Candle Foundation
Katherine T. O'Neill
Open Doors Academy
Staci Osborn
Oswald Companies
Ernest Pace
Roberta A. Pace
Amy Parks Ph.D.
Patrick and Julie Pastore
Patricia & Charles Mintz Philanthropic Fund
Andrew J. Pegman
Kyle Pekar
Thomas S. Pemberton
Darlene Y. Penn
Pepsi Beverages Company
Zvonimir E. Perkovic
The Right Reverend and Mrs. William Persell
Perspectus Architecture
Paul and Kim Pesses
Kelli Peterson
Delia A. Pfister
Pierre's Ice Cream Company
Robin Pijor
Amanda and Jon Pinney
Ronald Pitts
Playhouse Square
PNC Foundation
Richard W. Pogue
Theresa and Steve Polachek
Robin Polack
William and Terri Pope
Port of Cleveland
PPG Industries Inc.
Geralyn M. Presti
Tracey L. Purtty
Nicole L. Rabic
Adriana and Andrew Randall
The Raymond and Rita Foos Family Charitable Foundation
Johnie L. Reed
Evelyn B. Regotti
The Reinberger Foundation
Gay Respress
The Retirement (k)oncierge Group
Christine Rice
George Richard Jr.
Renee and Derrick Richard
Kimberly Riley FLMI
Barbara Ringle
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame
Halyna Rodriguez
Daria L. Roebuck
Roetzel & Andress, LPA
Cindy Rogen
Christopher Rogers
Judy A. Rohde
Frank Roman
Claire Rosacco and Phillip Wallace
Desmond M. Rose
Barbara and Alan Rosskamm
Shelley Roth
The Roy Minoff Family Fund
RPM International Inc.
Julia S. Ruane
Russell R. Rudolph
Danielle and Victor Ruiz
Saint Luke's Foundation
The Sam J. Frankino Foundation
Koren Samuels
Miguel A. Sanchez
Donna M. Sanders
Afisseta Sankara
Nicholas Sauto
Anne Schleicher
Lisa Schneider
Christian A. Scholz
Patricia A. Schum
Michael and Joanne Schwartz
Katrina M. Scott
Leslie Scott
Mary Ellen Scott
Lori See
Nancy Seelbach
Leonarda Sekeres
Maria Selos
Sevynteenth Foundation
Elizabeth Seyala
Jaya Shah M.D. Family Fund
Baiju R. Shah
Marcy Shankman Ph.D.
Willliam Shaw
The Sherwin-Williams Company
Joyce Shinn
Shook Construction Co.
Roland Shorter
Ruth Silon
Terry R. Simeone
Chyriese Simpson
Sinclair Community College
Sisters of Charity Foundation of Cleveland
Robert Smith and Susan Ferraro Smith
Alice M. Smith
Barbette A. Smith
Jacques O. Smith Sr.
Norma S. Smith
Steven F. Smithson
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Snyder
Ronald M. Sobel Sr.
Ron Soeder
Kelsey A. Soltesz
Shamuire S. Spivey
Staffing Solutions Enterprises
Joseph Starck Jr.
Nicolina Stary
Barbara Steven
Shirley D. Stineman
Louis Stokes VA Medical Center
Monai E. Stone
Stonebridge Investments
Karen Stout
Strassman Insurance Services, Inc.
Laura Subak
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Summers Jr.
Swagelok Company
Synergy Marketing Strategy and Research, Inc.
Alex L. Szajko
James Szaller
Samantha Tabor
Rachel-Yvonne Talton D.M. and James Talton
Janice Taylor Heard Ph.D.
Taylor Oswald
Christine Taylor
Eddie Taylor Jr.
Team NEO
Catherine Terrell
Nancy Terry
The Thatcher Fund
Third Federal Foundation
The Thomas Family Charitable Fund
Thomas H. White Foundation
Mary K. Thomas
Natalie G. Thomas
Thompson Hine LLP
Damian Thorkelson
Jerry Sue Thornton Ph.D. and Walter Thornton
Deborah A. Titus
Etonia Todd
Julia Tryk
Turner Construction Company
Martin Uhle
Ulmer & Berne LLP
Union Home Mortgage
United Way of Greater Cleveland
Urban League of Greater Cleveland
Victoria Uschold
Robert S. Vagi
Van Auken Akins Architects LLC
Jill Van Auken
Kari Vara
Tia L. Vargo-Began
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Venizelos
Joseph Viola
Deborah V. Donley
Rich Wallack
Crystal P. Walls
Danhong Wang
Carol F. Ward
Wallace Ward
Wanda J. Warden
Carrie Warick-Smith
Kristin Warzocha
Jeffrey J. Weaver
Bridget B. Weems
Jenea Weems
Adam A. Weis
Shelley Wernholm
Ruvene and David Whitehead
Warren A. Whitfield
Vanessa L. Whiting Esq.
Carl A. Wichert
Ramat Wiley
The William J. and Dorothy K. O'Neill Foundation
Charles Williams
Nikki E. Williams
Robert Williams
Levonya Y. Willis
Winston-Salem State University
Margaret W. Wong Esq.
Ronald Woodford
Jackie and John Woods
Andrea K. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson T. Wright Jr.
The Wuliger Foundation
Sharon E. Young
Yolanda D. Young
Gretchen Zappala
ZIN Technologies, Incorporated
The Tri-C Foundation has made every effort has been to ensure an accurate list. Please contact with any corrections.