Esperanza Inc.

The Tri-C Access Center at Esperanza Inc. will connect you — easily and conveniently — with the education and job training you need to build a better future. Many of the services are available at no cost.
Esperanza Inc.
3104 W. 25th St.
Cleveland, Ohio 44109
Scholarships may be available for many of these courses and services.
Workforce Success Course - Sharpen your job skills to succeed in the workplace. Identify academic pathways and resources to achieve your career goals. Develop your resume. Earn one college credit. Completed Tri-C application required. This class is taught in English. Esta clase se enseña en inglés.
Class meets Wednesdays at Esperanza from 5:30pm - 7pm. Next class begins Wednesday, March 20, 2024.
Ohio Options – Free adult education for those seeking a high school diploma or GED/HSE, needing to improve their English (ESOL) skills or preparing for a job, college or other training.
Women in Transition – Personal development, career exploration and more for women going through any life transition. This class is taught in English with Spanish translation assistance. Esta clase se enseña en inglés, pero se ofrece materiales en español y la asistencia de un traductor
To start your application process or learn more, preregister here. Registrarse por adelantado.
Walk-in Services/Servicios sin cita previa
Basic Computer Skills – Learn basic computer skills like using email and websites, sharing files and more. Includes Microsoft Office. Habilidades Informáticas Básicas –Aprenda como usar el correo electrónico, compartir archivos, navegar paginas web y más. Introducción a Microsoft Office. For appointments call 216-651-7178 x6018.
Asistencia en Español:
Los Centros de Acceso de Tri-C le ayudarán — fácil y convenientemente — con la formación educativa que usted necesite para construir un mejor futuro con nuevas oportunidades. Si usted necesita asistencia en español, por favor contactar a:
Xiomara Hernandez-Marcelo: 216-651-7178 ext. 6014,
Carlos Alvarado: 216-651-7178 ext. 6016,