Pile Driving Program

Area of Study: Applied Industrial Technology (Pile Driving) Apprenticeship Program
Degree/Certificate: Associate of Applied Science degree in Applied Industrial Technology with a concentration in Pile Driving
Academic School: Advanced Manufacturing, Engineering and Computer Science
Students must be currently working in a registered apprenticeship program in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training.
The apprenticeship program prepares the student to earn a journey-level status in Pile Driving, as well as an Associate of Applied Science degree in Applied Industrial Technology. A four-year apprenticeship emphasizes the skill set required to be a highly skilled craftsman. Pile Driving is the art of driving down piles with rigs that are large machines that resemble cranes. Work can include driving concrete and metal piling as part of a foundation system, or driving wood and concrete piling to support docks and bridges. Pile Drivers can also be found on offshore oil rigs and as commercial divers in underwater construction.